第 8 章 mailR

mailR是一个比较小的包,主要解决的问题是R与邮件发送的问题,该包就一个方法:send.mail() 方法调用方式为:

send.mail(from, to, subject = "", body = "", encoding = "iso-8859-1",
html = FALSE, inline = FALSE, smtp = list(), authenticate = FALSE,
send = TRUE, attach.files = NULL, debug = FALSE, ...)


  • from 有效的发送者的邮箱

  • to 目标接收的邮箱

  • subject 邮箱主题

  • body 邮件体

  • encoding 邮件内容字符编码 支持包括 iso-8859-1 (default), utf-8, us-ascii, and koi8-r

  • html bool值,是否把邮箱体解析成html

  • inline 布尔值,HTML文件中的图像是否应该嵌入内联。

  • smtp lsit类型,链接邮箱的smtp

  • authenticate 一个布尔变量,用于指示是否需要授权连接到 SMTP服务器。如果设置为true,请参阅SMTP参数所需参数的详细信息。 发送一个布尔值,指示电子邮件是否应该在函数的末尾发送。 (默认行为)。如果设置为false,函数将电子邮件对象返回给父 环境。

  • attach.files 链接到文件的文件系统中路径的字符向量或有效 URL到附加到电子邮件(详见更多信息附加URL)

  • debug bool值,是否查看debug的真实细节

  • … Optional arguments to be passed related to file attachments. See details for more


  from = 'sender@tuandai.com', # 发送人
  to = 'sendee@tuandai.com', # 接收人
  cc = 'carboncopy@tuandai.com', # 抄送人
  subject = '邮件标题',
  body = as.character(
    '<div style = "color:red">邮件正文,可以为HTML格式</div>'
  attach.files = NULL, # 附件的路径
  encoding = "utf-8",
  smtp = list(
    host.name = 'smtp.exmail.qq.com', # 邮件服务器IP地址
    port = 465, # 邮件服务器端口
    user.name = 'senderName', # 发送人名称
    passwd = 'yourpassword', # 密码
    ssl = T),
  html = T, inline = T, authenticate = T, send = T, debug = F


send.mail(from = "sender@gmail.com",
          to = c("Recipient 1 <recipient1@gmail.com>", "recipient2@gmail.com"),
          cc = c("CC Recipient <cc.recipient@gmail.com>"),
          bcc = c("BCC Recipient <bcc.recipient@gmail.com>"),
          subject="Subject of the email",
          body = "Body of the email",
          smtp = list(host.name = "aspmx.l.google.com", port = 25),
          authenticate = FALSE,
          send = TRUE)


send.mail(from = "sender@gmail.com",
          to = c("recipient1@gmail.com", "recipient2@gmail.com"),
          subject = "Subject of the email",
          body = "Body of the email",
          smtp = list(host.name = "smtp.gmail.com", port = 465, user.name = "gmail_username", passwd = "password", ssl = TRUE),
          authenticate = TRUE,
          send = TRUE)


email <- send.mail(from = "Sender Name <sender@gmail.com>",
                   to = "recipient@gmail.com",
                   subject = "A quote from Gandhi",
                   body = "In Hindi :  थोडा सा अभ्यास बहुत सारे उपदेशों से बेहतर है।
                   English translation: An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.",
                   encoding = "utf-8",
                   smtp = list(host.name = "smtp.gmail.com", port = 465, user.name = "gmail_username", passwd = "password", ssl = T),
               authenticate = TRUE,
                   send = TRUE)


send.mail(from = "sender@gmail.com",
          to = c("recipient1@gmail.com", "recipient2@gmail.com"),
          subject = "Subject of the email",
          body = "Body of the email",
          smtp = list(host.name = "smtp.gmail.com", port = 465, user.name = "gmail_username", passwd = "password", ssl = TRUE),
          authenticate = TRUE,
          send = TRUE,
          attach.files = c("./download.log", "upload.log"),
          file.names = c("Download log", "Upload log"), # optional parameter
          file.descriptions = c("Description for download log", "Description for upload log"))


send.mail(from = "sender@gmail.com",
          to = c("recipient1@gmail.com", "recipient2@gmail.com"),
          subject = "Subject of the email",
          body = "<html>The apache logo - <img src=\"http://www.apache.org/images/asf_logo_wide.gif\"></html>", # can also point to local file (see next example)
          html = TRUE,
          smtp = list(host.name = "smtp.gmail.com", port = 465, user.name = "gmail_username", passwd = "password", ssl = TRUE),
          authenticate = TRUE,
          send = TRUE)


send.mail(from = "sender@gmail.com",
          to = c("recipient1@gmail.com", "recipient2@gmail.com"),
          subject = "Subject of the email",
          body = "path.to.local.html.file",
          html = TRUE,
          inline = TRUE,
          smtp = list(host.name = "smtp.gmail.com", port = 465, user.name = "gmail_username", passwd = "password", ssl = TRUE),
          authenticate = TRUE,
          send = TRUE)